PoolStake Review. It has been 8 days since we released our UNISTAKE/ETH PoolStake and we are already seeing encouraging results.
14 Mar 2021, 01:19
PoolStake Review
It has been 8 days since we released our UNISTAKE/ETH PoolStake and we are already seeing encouraging results.
Our PoolStake has attracted:
🔷 3X Liquidity Providers
Of our community providers we now have 3 times more liquidity locked into the PoolStake contract than were providing directly on Uniswap when the pool was launched 8 days ago.
This is a great success that shows how the additional benefits of guaranteed Staking Bonuses can be the extra incentive people need to become liquidity providers.
A big thank you to everyone who joined!
Same news in other sources
114 Mar 2021, 01:19
It has been 8 days since we released our UNISTAKE/ETH PoolStake and of our community providers we now have 3X more liquidity locked in the pool.
This is a great success that shows how guaranteed Staking Bonuses can be the extra incentive people need to become liquidity providers
It has been 8 days since we released our UNISTAKE/ETH PoolStake and of our community providers we now have 3X more liquidity loc
It has been 8 days since we released our UNISTAKE/ETH PoolStake and of our community providers we now have 3X more liquidity locked in the pool.
This is a great success that shows how guaranteed Staking Bonuses can be the extra incentive people need to become liquidity providers