Safety Launch Pool Full. A big thank you to everyone who participated in our Safety Launch by joining our first pool.

26 Feb 2021, 06:42
Safety Launch Pool Full A big thank you to everyone who participated in our Safety Launch by joining our first pool! A total of 136 people joined the pool successfully, providing liquidity to our UNISTAKE/ETH pair and staking their LP tokens. Some users had difficulties joining the pool due to confusion or gas errors which were tracked down to 1 of 4 issues. Of the people who faced issues that we spoke with, all were first time liquidity providers not familiar with the how the app worked as explained in our How To Videos. For a list of the most common and very avoidable issues: 🔷Click Here For The Continued Announcement On Telegraph If you were one of the people who struggled and we have not already spoken with you, we urge you to reach out so we can help establish what was the route of your difficulties. It is a great feeling to finally have our app live and have so many positive reviews. Thanks again to everyone who participated!